We had lofty goals set for Day 3 of our DC visit. Itinerary wise, we planned to visit The National Gallery of Art, The Air and Space Museum and The Jefferson Memorial.... all before having one last dinner with our friends before leaving the nations capitol. But first..... Breakfast!

More about where we ate here.

Coffee in hand we walked on to the National Gallery!

First up, the modern art section.... Truth be told we were looking for a certain piece....but had a grand time searching it out!

When your outfit mimics art....you know just trying that camouflage trend....hahah.

Pie is 10,000% ART!

And so are pencils! And Targets...I mean of course Target is Art! Who doesn't love spending hours in that place....?!? Okay...okay....back on track. All kinds of mobiles welcome....

Through the different exhibitions we went....our goal was the roof!

And there we found it! The GIANT BLUE CHICKEN! This took Jared's love of chicken to a whole new level! Man VS. Chicken.....who do you think won? We put our $$$ on Jared....little secret he has been known to devour an entire chicken (cooked to perfection) in one sitting!

Dan...was having a harder time understanding and appreciating this abstract/modern section of the museum....so we decided to trek back in time to the classics.

Warp speed ahead!

Only stoping to take in other worldly landscaping art features!

Daniël still was feeling like he was in the Lions Den....hahah. SOOOO.... God helped him escape the mouth of these Lions by reminding us of our packed itinerary! We took a few more pictures and...

Jetted off to the Air and Space Museum!

Although, Covid was just breaking.... and ample hand sanitizer was set up at every interactive station, it didn't seem to deter visitors very much!

This model may have been made for children....Dan almost got his long legs stuck.

Answering emails and texts while waiting our turn to enter the rocket ship!

On to the exhibit that started it all!

After exploring all the exhibits we all decided we needed a little break! What better way than to take in a 3D movie!

After our movie break we were ready to walk to the Jefferson Memorial!

We also took unintentional cover photos for "The Denim Band Strikes Again" hahah.

Taking in the beauty and serenity of the tidal basin.

We made it!
Jared maybe barely made it! Hahah

We enjoyed exploring this memorial and headed back to the car.....just in time to catch the sunset....

And enjoy dinner with our friends at &Pizza!

We chatted the night away and all agreed we cannot wait to be back to explore more of Washington DC! On to the next adventure!
X ~ The Sibs + Daniël