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That’s Not My Name!

Hello Friends! Not sure if you remember or recall a song by The Ting Tings called “That’s not my name” Well....hahaha...whether you’ve heard it or not it was the inspiration for this post. Yes, I am a weirdo and typically glean things from the oddest things...but give me a chance to reel this fishing pole back in.:-)

In the song there’s a verse that says...”they call me Stacey...that’s not my name” I laugh because more often than not, in this world people will try to call you by a different name. Rather, they may say you’re not good enough or smart enough or pretty enough, you’ll never make it....and so on and so on! But you know what...All of NOT YOUR NAME!

I’m reminded of Isaiah 43...Jesus so beautifully stated:

“But now, this is what the Lord says—

he who created you, Jacob,

(insert your name)(Jenneka)

he who formed you, Israel (Jenneka)

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

I have summoned (Called) you by NAME; you are mine.”

How reassuring is that?!?! I know for me this verse caresses my soul every time I read it.

The reassurance that we are known, seen and heard...He knows you by your NAME!!!

I urge you...the next time someone tries to pull a fast one and deface your name remind them that that’s not your name and that you were created to do extraordinary things. Your NAME is Loved...your Name is Courageous...your Name is Worthy...Your name is not broken but whole...your name is not defined by what you were but who you are becoming and who you are today!

My Hope is that this post reminds you of who you are and what your Name is!!!

With Overflowing Love,

Jenneka & the Sibs

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