Lets just say this year we are extra excited for Easter! Anyone else?!? While last year we 3 Sibs were blessed to have spent the holiday with each other ( we are currently roomies) we definitely missed being with the rest of the fam! So in light of having to skip out on family time last year...we’ve decided to go all out and create a few new traditions! Instead of the traditional Easter Basket we decided to do monogrammed tote bags! Filled to the brim with all the fun Easter and Spring things. To be honest it had been an idea for a while and when we just so happened to stumble upon these adorable totes in the Christmas Tree Shop we knew it was meant to be! Plus...this is the kind of “Easter Basket” even the “big kids” can enjoy! *In this post we are adding links that when clicked on/items are purchased, we make a small commission.* 😁 Thank you for your support!

1.These totes are great if you are doing multiple “baskets”, are gender neutral and they break down to only about $5 per bag! We have used them before and they are really beautiful rustic bags!
2. Ok this one is more for the “big girls” although pretty sure 2 out of our 4 nieces (if not all 4🤪) would be down for this bag!
3. We loved that this one has a snap closure! Another great one for guys and gals!
4. Traditional black and white with a cute matching ribbon! Always a favorite aesthetic!
5. We found this one on The Knot shop...super cute, customizable and only $14!
6. Another find from The Knot shop...really the tassels are just so bright and cheery!
7. Another “big gal” bag...fill with a fun Easter gift card, lipstick and a bag of gummy bunnies!
8. Another classic sturdy black and white bag...also doubles as a great beach bag for summer😁😎
9. Simple and thin profile, is a great bag if you are looking to do a smaller size “basket”.
We have found a great selection of fun more “natural”- yes it’s still sugar - BUT I love it...candies! Jenneka even likes these and she isn’t a “gummy” kinda gal!

1.Not quite starbursts... but better! Especially because they don’t taste as fake and they definitely satisfy that stick to your teeth sugary goodness!
2. Okay these are classics! We say we have them in the house for when we watch the girls...but....usually they don’t last that long 😬
3. I (Janna) have an obsession with ginger... I just love it! Now, put sugar on top and truth be told... yeah...I didn‘t get these for my neices😳
4. We grew up on all natural/organic
lollipops...Jenneka and I both agree we always loved a good orange flavor! Just the right amount of sweet and sour!
5. Speaking sweet and sour....these honey gummy bears also come in a sour flavor...and yes we have tried both...I mean we had to take one for the team and make sure everything was at least somewhat edible (we may need another bag before Easter😳😬🤪.)
6. Staying in that sour vein...that lip puckering version of the chewy candies is definitely for the fans of all things sour!
We added some of the girls favorite things like bubbles , stickers, calico critters, a fun sweater (for the oldest). Then topped off the bags with colorful tissue paper and ribbons! (If you’d like you can watch the process here.)
Hope this post was a bit of inspiration for your Easter basket ventures! Hoppy Tails...I mean Happy Trails 😁

Cheers! Until the next post,
X ~ Janna & The Sibs